Friday, March 20, 2009


Here's an inside look at a unique house built by our friends Roy & Linda, who have made Nicaragua their permanent home. It is constructed mostly of recycled tires, glass bottles, aluminum cans and adobe. They have done the whole project without having water to their property. Imagine carrying 5 gallon buckets of water up their driveway!! And they have only had power for less than a year. Our hats are off to their perseverance!! For more of their story please visit their website:

They have a property management company specializing in luxury beachfront vacation rentals. You can get more information on their website. Click on the "Visit" link on their homepage.

Roy is an avid surfer, diver/fisherman, chef and we have been lucky enough to share in some of his bounty. Linda is quickly becoming an accomplished baker, webmaster and tour guide. They are great folks and we enjoyed our time together and hope our paths will cross again soon.

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